There were varied reactions from the public. And even the subject of the book itself, the homosexuals, have different views on the launch. Some saw it as a relief because for them it was recognition but not necessarily acceptance. Some view it contradictory because the book suggests that there is nothing wrong with being gay as long as no homosexual activities are involved. But how can you exactly separate sex from being homosexual?
I come from a very strict Catholic high school for boys and any light sign of homosexuality is practically conspicuous for a very large all-male group. Most of these homosexuals including myself tried very hard to hide the signs and control every move we make so as not be sanctioned with termination. As for me, in order to gain respect and acceptance from others, I focused on my academics and I prayed a lot. But the sidekicks of Satan have always been in the works for people like me especially when I started feeling attractive to a very few of my mates. Extreme control of this feeling has to be in place but unfortunately for some of my friends, this sort of ordeal was too much. Looking at it now as somebody who has survived, I realized life is really unfair. And even at times, I think God is unfair.
The nuns who run our school share the same principle as Fr. John Harvey, OSFS. Homosexuality without sex is okay. But is there really such a thing? Yes, there are priests who are gay but are we sure they are happy about that? Are they really living life to the fullest by being that? The other question now is why do we have to suffer like this in the first place?
As for me, there is nothing wrong in loving someone. I think I have the fundamental right to love anybody I want. And if sucking and fucking could make the person I love, love me better, nobody can hold it against me.