This is again a late post about a late celebration!
Why have I become passive of being tardy now? Why does it not matter to me at all now? The company that I am working does not penalize tardiness. I mean they only deduct from our salaries the lost time and don’t have certain rules regarding absences and tardiness. Thank God because if they do, I would now be out there looking for a new employer who would accept someone terminated due to tardiness. But this is not the story of this post. Another one will be made about this.
Last May 25, Ef celebrated 25 years of existence. We were not able to celebrate on time because her parents from Leyte were in town for her birthday also. We don’t want to rob her rare time with her family. So we decided to have it the next weekend. And this was it!
Ef is an ex-officemate who I wish is still here in the office. This beautiful woman exudes strength and excellence. She is two years younger than me but obviously she is more accomplished, more successful, and a lot better as a professional. At first, I was not sure if we could become friends because she was so intimidating. But sometimes, first impression doesn’t last. And we have proven that. Now, when we have the time to get together with the rest of the officemates and ex-officemates, we openly share our stories and would talk about serious stuffs like our careers, love life and even religion. I always have fun listening to their stories and sharing mine.
Here ere are some of the captured moments on her late birthday celebration at Bigby’s Ayala.
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