Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I broke my glasses today!

I broke my glasses today.

I was sad but happy at the same time. I was sad, actually worried, because I have a client visit this afternoon and having a blurry vision (I have a +425grade for both eyes) is for sure a difficult situation to be in. It would be my first time to visit such client and not being able to clearly see their faces and examine their documents well would be an added burden on me as I continue on to work. Happy because finally it’s gonna be replaced. I have been complaining about my glasses because it has been almost three years. It was that long that it basically went out of fashion and it has depreciated so much not just in value but in its physical appearance too.

And today, while I carelessly took out my headphone from my head, that arm of the glasses (I don’t know if that’s the term for that part that holds the glasses in our ears) was pulled out with the wire. It bent out and an only almost microscopic part of the metal arm of the glasses kept if from being torn apart. Our HR tried to repair it with a mightier-than-a-Mighty-Bond glue that she has, but when she positioned it for gluing, it broke. And here it is!

Three years is not bad at all. According to them, we need to replace our glasses at least once a year. And in my case, it has served its term I guess. For three years, it has helped me see the world clearly. It has helped me read good books and watch movies without discomfort. It has helped me find cute guys and hook up. (This is not necessary though!) And for that, I want to thank it for everything.

I will be wearing my contacts tomorrow. But there is really a big difference between glasses and contacts. It’s not perfectly clear if you wear contacts. In my experience, it only covers for a limited distance. Farther, it becomes fuzzy and your eyes seem to be cloudy. It sometimes irritates your eyes especially if you won’t put solution from time to time causing your cornea to lacerate, and consequently making your eyes red. Well, in some cases though, it is advantageous. Of course I would not want to wear glasses if I go to disco. That would be so uncomfortable. The only complaint I can think about glasses is the discomfort it brings. I don’t know but I just don’t like to have something hanging in my face. It makes me look older!

Yet now, I don’t have choice. Maybe I would just carry with me a gallon of solution and drop a glass of it to my eyes from time to time.

I am actually wearing still these handicapped glasses of mine making this post as I can’t see the words I am typing without them. Pathetic, I am! When can I have that laser treatment? Hahay…

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